And Here We Are

When I said I was thinking about starting a blog I was lying. I was gonna start a blog no matter what, I just wanted you to be aware so you’d come read it. Sneaky, tricky, smart, call it what ya like- you’re here and if I was clever enough to get you here I assume I’m clever enough for you to want to keep reading.

I’ve decided to write a blog because depriving the world of my brain is almost a crime. I’m hilarious and you deserve my hilariousness in and around your life. What will I blog about? Shoo son, I dunno. Whatever I feel like blogging about I guess! If you weren’t already aware, I go through phases in my life where I completely engulf myself into one or two things and I have a strong feeling that whatever I’m currently obsessed with will be the topic of this web log.

“Beautiful and witty Rebekah, what is it that currently captures your attention?” Oh you are almost too much. Almost. It’s safe to say my longest lasting obsession is with a boy. I’m adorable, I know. I assume it’s why my wonderful fiance Toby puts up with my shenanigans. Speaking of Toby, I am obsessed with planning our wedding. Super. Obsessed. Like, it’s just over a year away and I already get annoyed with how much I talk about it. If you happen to be one of the people I throw wedding questions at, bless you. I can guarantee that I will talk about our wedding plans in this thing while still maintaining a bit of mystery so you  feel obligated to show up to the real thing. (That’s if you’re invited. Stay tuned to find out what happens if you aren’t) If I don’t provide enough detail here to suit your liking, A) deal with it and B) you can go to my Pinterest page which I will put a link to if I figure out how. I get a little Pin happy so have fun trying to figure out what I’m actually going to use from there.

Oooh you should also follow me on Twitter @DuncanBecks because why not? You’re reading my blog, why not read tiny, blog-like snippets?

Other obsessions-cats, other people’s small children, baking, and the internet in general. Expect all of that on here at some point or another. I cannot promise I won’t go into rants about why wedding themes are stupid or why humans are the worst thing ever to happen while also being amazing creatures that are capable of wondrous things but I’ll try to keep it chill.

I feel like I wanna throw in some fun facts every now and then. I would say every time I make a post but we both know that I won’t be able to keep that promise. I also think I’ll toss in some awesome songs and maybe a humorous video every now and then. All so you can comment and let me know what good taste I have. I mean, I’m already aware of it but it’s nice to be reminded.

Fun Fact Time!

  1. When Toby and I first started dating I told him I would break up with him on the day of our graduation if we lasted that long.
  2. I obviously did not stick to the plan listed in #1.
  3. I think chocolate ice cream is the worst.
  4. Yellow is my favorite color but I never wear it because I’m too self-conscious.
  5. I started this blog partially  in the hopes that Toby would review it because I think he needs to do more writing.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Was anything I wrote really that concerning? Let me know!

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